Biological Sciences

Faculty Research: Qian Chen

Qian Chen


Office: WO 4267B
Phone No: 419.530.1594
Lab website:

Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin
M.S. Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Science
B.S. Peking University



Actin, a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein, plays an essential role in many biological processes of human cells including muscle contraction, immune response, and cell proliferation. We are interested in understanding how actin-assembled cellular structures drive and regulate cell proliferation. We employ yeast genetics, high-resolution fluorescence microscopy, and computational image analysis in our research.

Two main focuses of our lab are:
1. Regulation of actin structures during cell proliferation. Actin structures undergo constant turnover during cell division through their interactions with dozens of actin-binding proteins by unknown mechanisms. We aim to understand this process with quantitative microscopy.
2. Crosstalk between actin structures and signaling pathways during cell proliferation. A few kinase cascades serve as the master regulators of cell division but their interaction with actin is poorly understood. We are studying how such a cascade, the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway, interacts with actin structures.

Last Updated: 7/15/24